
Nibbles (PC and Quest) ♡

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Nibbles (PC and Quest) ♡

29 ratings

If you'd like cheaper prices please buy from my new store! --> https://cozu.sellfy.store/

This is my cute little strawberry mouse princess I've been working on for forever ♡

Comes with TWO versions, one with GogoLoco added already and a version without.

❥ Nibbles PC

♡ | Clothing Toggles:

  •  Eyepatch, Sleeves, Outfit Color x3

♡ | Body Toggles:

  • Skin color x3, Eye hue slider, Eye type

♡ | Hair Toggles:

  • Hair length slider (long hair only), Hair styles x2, Hair brightness slider, Hair hue slider, Hair saturation slider

♡ | Mouse Toggles:

  • Mouse ears and tail, Mouse brightness slider, Mouse hue slider, Mouse saturation slider

♡ | Fun Toggles:

  • Wand with grab feature. You can pick this up and leave it in the world space! If you want to grab it, make a fist gesture with your gestures turned ON and your RIGHT HAND put your hand near the wand. If you want to leave it in the world space just let it go. If you want to put it back on your hip, pick up the wand with your right hand and place it where it was on your hip. Does NOT work on desktop, you need to physically grab it!
  • Wand particles, Wand hue slider, Stretchy cat plushie, Plushie slider, Plushie follower, Invisible dissolve, Sleeping AFK

♡ | Extra: 

  • GogoLoco has been added already, Size slider (25% is the normal size of the avatar, you can make it smaller or bigger. After you select a size, choose back and go top "Options" and click "OSC" and disable it then enable it again).

❥ Nibbles Quest

♡ | Clothing Toggles:

  •  Eyepatch, Sleeves, Outfit Color x3

♡ | Body Toggles:

  •  Skin color x3, Eye colors x5

♡ | Hair Toggles:

  • Hair color x7 

♡ | Mouse Toggles:

  • Mouse ears and tail, Mouse color x7

♡ | Fun Toggles:

  • Wand, Wand color x5, Plushie follower, Sleeping AFK

♡ | Extra: 

  • GogoLoco has been added already, Size slider (25% is the normal size of the avatar, you can make it smaller or bigger. After you select a size, choose back and go top "Options" and click "OSC" and disable it then enable it again).

 Please watch the showcase video and read through this page to see the Quest toggles

Due to Quest performance limitations, it will be missing many of the PC features. 

Dress does NOT have physbones since there would be too many.


You agree to these when you purchase my avatar.

- You cannot take any assets off this avatar even for personal use, please go to the original source and buy it yourself.

- Please don't leak this package to any website, server or share with your friends ☹ I will be sad. If you see someone using a public version of my avatar please report it ♡

- Don't upload as public, it's for you only.

- Do not resell anything on this avatar.

- Do not price split.

- Due to the nature of this product being digital, there are no refunds! If there is something wrong like you entered the wrong email address please message me.

Can do:

- You will have to provide your discord name and VRChat username. Please don't put fake information

- If you are buying the avatar for someone else, use the GIFT option and enter THEIR information.

- If you want to use my avatar for streaming/tiktok/instagram/youtube etc make sure to credit me so people can find my avatars.

- If I’ve made the asset/texture from scratch then you’re allowed to use them for your own PERSONAL/PRIVATE avatars, you cannot give it out for free or use them for commercial, public, or nitro/free avatars.

- Feel free to edit this avatar, I'd love to see your edits as well so please join my discord! https://discord.gg/YsDZenf96Q

Uploading: If you struggle with uploading I can upload for you for free~ Please join my discord (https://discord.gg/YsDZenf96Q) and open a ticket.

Simplified instructions: 

Make a new Unity project (2019.4.31f1)

Import Nibbles Package ONLY, do not add anything before or after!! Press IGNORE with scene reloading. Find Click Me Nibbles! In the Assets Folder. – ba da bing ba da boom, upload.
More detailed instructions are included in the package.


Short hair: Powdur. Long hair: Powdur, Wetcat, Cozu. Shoes: Demure. Body: Nyakoh. Head: Sivka. Wand ribbon: Merlin. Head pat particle: Gemini#4086. Hair matcap: Zinpia. Face texture: Tea#5555. Jewel Matcaps: Sivka. Particles: Xxuebi. Locomotion:Franada. Scaling system: ThatFatKidsMom. Among us follower: hfcRed. AFK: Kisu☆#1000. Me: Cozu#1111 Hair texture, Ears/Tail/Bows, Whole outfit other than the shoes, Strawberries and flowers, Crown, Plushie, Wand

Please let me know if I forgot to credit something

If you leave a rating I think you’re cute

https://discord.gg/YsDZenf96Q ← you can join my discord here for updates, help, or giveaways!

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Nibbles Unity Package

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